Monday, August 30, 2010

What a day!

This has been a day. It has been pouring rain all day. We had an earthquake. I had to take the trash out in the rain, and when I returned I saw something slithering along my driveway. I looked as closely as I dared. We are supposed to call the fire department if we see a snake. It seemed small, but...

I called Susan. I said "I think we have a very small snake in our driveway.". She said she would call the fire department. She was glad it was just a snake - she'd had a call from someone else (whom we know) reporting that their roof is leaking. I put on tennis shoes and very carefully went back out to be sure the snake didn't disappear before the firemen arrived. I called Eric. I took a picture, being careful not to get too close.


  1. What an amazing series of posts! Your life is fascinating! - msw p.s. thanks for calling b & s. It meant a lot!

  2. Glad to do it. I had been dragging my feet figuring out how, so it was good to be prompted. Now I can call any time.
