Friday, September 12, 2014

A friend of ours has been deeply entrenched in sin for a long time.  He appears to be on the brink of  giving in fully to Satan.  I think this is the saddest thing I have ever witnessed because it has terrible, eternal consequences.  It is unfathomable to me that someone could choose to reject the gift of eternal life, especially so knowingly.


  1. That is so sad. We've had that happen with a friend too and it is heartbreaking. I will join you in prayer for your friend.

    On happier note, I was so glad you visited my blog and left a comment. What a blessing it is to meet other Christians out here in blogland.

  2. That is so sad. We've had that happen with a friend too and it is heartbreaking. I will join you in prayer for your friend.

    On happier note, I was so glad you visited my blog and left a comment. What a blessing it is to meet other Christians out here in blogland.
