That's my backyard, in Virginia. Well, sort of.
I had a whole photo-essay planned out in my head. I would post "this" photo from Taiwan and say "this", then I would post "that" photo from Virginia and say "that".
But my photos are in complete disarray. On the computer - in disarray. How can that be???? I was looking for a photo from winter of 2009. It seems logical to me that it would be in the 2009 folder, but it's not. But I know it is SOMEWHERE, because my screen saver scrolls through my thousands of photos, and I've seen it. I tried looking in the folder labeled (by the computer) 2002. There are photos there from 2009, and 2007 and probably 1972, but not the photo I am looking for. I tried scrolling through ALL of my photos, but I gave up. I don't have time for this. I'm supposed to be packing. Because, the point is, I am leaving tomorrow. I am heading home to Virginia to begin making preparations for moving home. YES!!!! We will be moving home this summer. We are more than ready.
When I am supposed to pack my mind wanders here, there and everywhere. I can write novels (in my mind) and organize the cupboards. But I have a difficult time filling the empty suitcases. Instead I write all sorts of crazy stuff here, and then I delete it. And believe me, if you knew what I just deleted you would be SO grateful. I also eat. I just finished lunch. It's 10:40 a.m.!
I guess I'll spare you any more of my mindless ramblings and go stare at my empty suitcases. But first, I'll post a random photo. No, I guess I won't. Because every time I push the "add photo" button the "save now" button flickers and I am not brought to the screen where I can choose a photo. Sort of like my brain - I push the "add contents" (to the suitcase) button and the "feed stomach" button flickers instead.