Monday, August 19, 2013

Prize Winning Cabbage?

Toward the end of the last school year each 3rd Grader was given a cabbage seedling courtesy of Bonnie Plants. They sponsor a cabbage growing contest every year in which 1 winner from each state is awarded a $1000 college scholarship.

Ethan set to work tending his seedling, first in a window sill in our home and then in a raised planter which Eric built.

He harvested his cabbage a couple of weeks ago and I took pictures for contest submission. According to Bonnie Plants, a giant cabbage plant can grow to over 40 pounds! I cannot imagine such a thing, since Ethan's cabbage was 10 pounds and that seemed enormous.

Kneeling behind the harvested plant

Holding just the head

Ethan's cabbage prior to harvest, surrounded by encroaching pumpkin leaves
Ethan is super competitive so let's hope he wins!


  1. And then what did you do with the enormous cabbage! It would certainly give a lot of meals!

  2. I hate to admit this, but we gave it to friends. No one in my family likes cabbage!

  3. Now that certainly is a big cabbage. Just like it - nobody in family eats cabbage.
