Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just thought I would say "hi". I survived the trip! Whenever I was tempted to be afraid on the flights I would remember the words God gave me and say "God, you assured me I would go home safely and I choose to believe you." It was great! I think I will be a bit more specific about His words, in case you didn't look up my scripture reference. Here is the exact part that I claimed:

"But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me." Philippians 1:24-26

I am so amazed by this passage. Not only was it direct confirmation to me that I was going to remain alive for the sake of my kids, but it also tells me that I am going to be able to help them grow in their faith to the point that they will "boast in Christ Jesus". I think my kids will boldly tell others about Jesus - I really do!

Prior to the birth of Ethan I was hospitalized for about 6 weeks. A dear friend of mine was telling someone else she knows about my predicament as well as the traumatic circumstances that had surrounded the birth of Anna. That person told my friend something like "God must have great plans for her seed because Satan is trying so hard to prevent them from being born." I trust that is true. Anna is already an outspoken little evangelist. Last summer she had the neighborhood kids praying together out in the empty lot! And yesterday she was sharing my latest copy of "Voice of the Martyrs" with the neighbor boys and telling them "This is what happens to Christians!" I chalk her boldness up to childish naivete, but I pray that she will never lose it!

Love in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I believe that too! I have a close friend who has an amazing story of her son, and I can see he is a rare light (he possesses such real understanding of scripture for such a young age-8).
    In a book I've read about prophetically gifted people, they are usually attacked at a young age, for the same reason you mentioned.

    pray that your daughter will continue the zeal!! that's fantastic!!
